Offpage optimization - Social Bookmarking

The term Social Bookmarking is the management of public favorites, so favorite websites. Meanwhile, there are numerous social bookmark services. Among the best known include Mister Wong or On these pages, the user's own bookmarks online manage, and the other members to see or even subscribe. In addition, each member his own list of different categories and the importance of individual bookmarks. Each category is one of many members rated `ranking 'on the appropriate topic, similar to an editorial gepflegtem web catalogue.

Since the Social Bookmarks countless members of constantly re-evaluated, plays the `ranking 'within these lists, indirectly, a role for the ranking of your website. The search engines use some data or information from the Social Bookmark services and allow it to part with one's own rating scheme introduced individual websites. To what extent this happens, it is difficult to say, since on the other side is possible, the lists of Social Bookmarks manipulated by example Members of the groups within individual services and is specifically trying to individual bookmarks to `push '.

Resümierend it can be said that the Social Bookmarking, an essential part of the Web 2.0, in the future more and more in importance. Who his side fully optimize for search engines you have to deal with this issue ...

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