MSN (The Microsoft Network) is an Internet portal, which in addition to various services also offers a search service. The portal and the search is the future `Windows Live '. Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded. The name Microsoft originally meant `Microcomputer Software '.
Main source of income for the company is the operating software `Windows'. With an annual turnover of about 45 billion US dollars was Bill Gates reiterated its 2006 first position in the list of the richest people in the world.
The search service of Microsoft in Germany currently has only a market share of 3-5%. In the United States, he is somewhat higher, but even here, Google the market. The ranking factors are here, just like Google and Yahoo, external factors, together with the contents of a page in the first place. The link and domain popularity is not as strong as the other two search engines evaluated. The occurrence of the search word in the domain, in the title, in the description and the text is expected to remain higher. The current low market share of the MSN / Windows Live search could soon change, because the newly developed search service `Windows Live 'on the part of the new operating system Windows Vista`' integrated ...
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