If your website to be found, it must be by the search engine indexes, ie In the index. The Index ensure a website is therefore an important component of a successful search engine optimization.
This search engines your site can read and evaluate, it must be possible errors in HTML or ASCII text format. The other main prerequisites for optimum Indexierbarkeit were already in the previous chapters discussed.
A clear and simple structured internal linking with the help of a clear site navigation and facilitate a Sitemap crawlers of search engines to enter your complete Internet presence. You should always make sure the number of layers of your site to a minimum. The `flat 'hierarchy your side, the better they can be indexed.
First, however, they must first of the search engines or crawlers found. If you publish a Web page, you must at the individual search engines to register. Only then `know 'the search engines by the existence of your site and they will sooner or later visit. To accelerate the process, we can also some external references and links back. So the search engines find your website alone. An additional application is usually not necessary any more ...
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