Hosting means accommodation (hosting) of a Web page on a Web server. The provider or providers, mostly to pay the necessary means and resources available.
When choosing a suitable provider few things you should consider. Choose a provider, known in a long time already on the market.
In addition, you should make sure that the provider for your project necessary technical requirements. It is important to first clarify how much space and traffic, also available standing volume of data that you need for your website and, above all, at some time may be required.
Make sure it is always that your elected expand job, and `upgrade '. The offerings range from a `now Webvisitenkarte 'with a space of a few MB to its own server. An approximate value can hardly mention here. For a normal, static Web page, 50 MB of memory and 1 GB of traffic per month is sufficient. The operator of a well-attended community achieves these values may be within a few hours. Generally, we can say that with a slightly larger package often better served.
The market has gotten so competitive that the price difference between the bids often only very low. In addition, your provider should PHP and MySQL support. PHP is a programming language, which, above all, to create dynamic Web pages applies. MySQL is a system for managing databases.
In addition, some Apache modules very important. Your future Webhoster should in any case mod_rewrite. With this function, you can e.g. Easily and quickly redirect suchmaschinenfreundlich addresses, domain define a standard or dynamic, and thus often very complicated structured URLs rewritten and simplified. Since these points for a successful search engine optimization are important, it is important to make sure that your provider offers these services or support.
It should also provide you the opportunity offered, the server's log files to download. This recorded data, e.g. On which side of the link or what your site visitors found and where he has to leave again, Keyword Search, and what was used, or how long he remained on your website is intended to provide structure and the structure of your website the visitor behaviour adapt and optimize.
Some links, which will in the election server can be helpful, see `links, and software tools' ...
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