Google - Reinclusion Request

If your Web page from the Google index has been removed, you have the option of a resumption or an application Reinclusion Request. Before this record, but you should find the reason for the removal of your site removed. Often, there are even more reasons which have led to disqualification. Because your website may be examined manually, you have to really be sure that with the filing of the application in each point to the guidelines.

The entry itself should in any case on the support forum. The exact address or the exact link to the section `Important addresses / links'. It makes no sense, the entry of a non dedicated e-mail address to send because Google thousands of e-mails daily with a variety of issues and concerns.

It is important that you are in the subject `Reinclusion Request '. Only then can Google your mail properly assign or edit.

In the text of the message you need to briefly explain that, and above all, why your site removed from the index. Explain, then, that the possible causes eliminated, and your site is back to the guidelines. Try to act friendly and indicate that you learned from this mistake and not once will attempt to circumvent the guidelines. It is better if you stay honest. To write, you would not be blamed for the cause of the banishment, or to invent stories, is not advisable.

In general, it takes quite a while to get your application processed. Have you, even if it's difficult, a little patience. A repeated submission or questions should be avoided. Until your side may again in the index, you can easily weeks, or even months. The chances that your page ever again appear, remain low.

Other possibilities, your page in the index, there is not. You do not need to try your site under a different domain, another server, or a different IP address to be published. Google will quickly find that it is the same site, and they are not in the index ...

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