Google - inclusion in the index

As mentioned in the chapter `Indexierbarkeit 'described, there are two ways to make your page indexed, or in the index of the search engine Google. In the section `Important Addresses / Links' to find the Internet address you register your new website. Once logged in, the crawler, in this case Googlebot, sooner or later your website and in the index.

In general, it takes a few days for your side for the first time in the search results appear. Whether your website has been indexed, you can use a so-called `Site query 'notice. To enter simply `site: 'in the search box of a search engine. You will then receive a list of the already existing pages in the index of your Internet presence.

Another way to index your site, is the setting of some external links. Since the Googlebot follows every link, it is so relatively quickly to your website and they encounter. This alternative has the advantage that your site faster, sometimes within a few hours, indexed. In addition, Google ranks the relevance and authority of your site by the external links now slightly higher. The process until all your web pages in the search engine index, can also be accelerated.

Generally it is the case that your first home is indexed. Only later after the sub-pages. It can happen at a site query pages, and at a later query again neither side apparently exists in the index. The latter is not the case. Google has more than one data center to which the queries are forwarded. Depending on which data center you just query, it may be that your site is not listed there. It takes some time for the sides to display all data centers.

The more external links on a webpage, the faster and extensive will it be indexed. Once in the index, your page will be periodically visited and after changes or new content searched. If your site changes, e.g. New page titles or descriptions inserted, it may be very long before it in the search results.

They should therefore working on your side, and this time only sign up if you are sure that you really no fundamental changes have to carry out more ...

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