Google - Supplemental Index

The Supplemental index, an index `additional 'can be found in some way with the Google Sandbox. If a Web page or pages in their sub Supplemental index, the effects on the ranking of similar.

Websites, which only appear in the Supplemental index, compared to the normal index listed in pages less frequently by the crawlers, or the Googlebot visited. In addition, the pages for searches disadvantage. It is often the case that only when a particular query inadequate or only a few results, pages from the Supplemental Index added. Provides a query enough hits, only the websites from the normal index.

The reasons why a page in the supplemental index on are diverse. Also here are rather new pages, and particularly those affected, which have no or very few external links. Duplicate content or the same titles and descriptions of many sub-sites may also cause pages to be. For a website that only in the Supplemental Index is back in the normal index is listed, you often only one or the reasons for the Abstrafung eliminated. Are the causes eliminated, it usually takes not very long until a site back to normal or gerankt listed...

Google - Sandbox

Already mentioned several times, is precisely at this point in the filter or the `phenomenon 'the Google Sandbox received.

Since the beginning of 2004 haunts ` 'this is not official, Not confirmed by Google filters through the ranks of the website operator. Meanwhile, it is almost certain that these are mainly new and highly relevant websites effect really exists.

To avoid these websites within the shortest possible time with important keywords at the top of the results listed, or spam pages excluded from the rankings, seems Google a filter or an algorithm to have developed, which look for a new site for a short Boost certain time in results below anstellt important keywords. Because the exact algorithm is not known, it is also difficult to say what conditions or conditions, a site must meet so that the filter picks. Especially sides often seem to be affected, relatively quickly, or many strong backlinks have received thus websites with a link acting unnaturally construction. On the other hand, there are also examples where through trusted websites or strong links from the sandbox again dismissed or were listed at the top.

The external link seems therefore a major role within the algorithm of Google sandbox to play. Another element beeinflussendes likely Hauptkeywörter a website. It indicates that mainly affected sites are important to the highly competitive, and ` 'keywords optimized. Others, e.g. Keyword combinations or from the competition hardly used terms optimized websites are against the rule rarely affected. The age of a website, and the relevance of the optimized keywords are possible reasons why a site of the sandbox effect is concerned. Does the filter at one side, this suddenly only partially under `obscure 'keyword combinations. Among the main keywords, it is usually far behind listed.

How long it takes to this effect is absent, and the affected site listed is back to normal, it is also difficult to say. It is believed that a website for 3 to a maximum of 12 months devalued. The average length of stay is expected in 3-6 months. Experts involved in the existence of a special filter doubt go rather assume that the effects described parts of the normal Google algorithm. This is underpinned by the fact that both the conditions, the length of stay, as well as the criteria under which a website again dismissed from the sandbox, is not clearly and strongly vary.

To dismiss from the sandbox to be rich sometimes even a few strong and trustworthy referrals from other websites. It has also been shown that websites, which in the initial phase with less than keywordspezifischen text links with buttons or banner links were less affected. Left, which only include the domain name, also had no major negative impact.

To the Google sandbox to escape, your site just in the early stages with only a few possible links to trusted references. Moreover, it is advisable to more banners or buttons for the link to use. In addition, you should first rather keyword combinations or weak disputed Single optimize keywords, as in a few highly competitive keywords optimized web pages rather abgestraft...

Google - Filters

Google lists new and the site is represented in the index is not without just before selecting. The search algorithm of each search engine includes countless filters or criteria by which Web sites evaluated and sorted. Criminals, minors or otherwise objectionable content is usually filtered, and the corresponding Web sites are deleted from the index. Furthermore, e.g. On the personalized search, the current behavior of the seekers according to new or other content added.

There are a few filters, especially when optimized for search engines websites seem to grasp. Below are some of these filters and the effects of these are briefly explained ...

Google - algorithm update

Mostly greater impact on the positions in results, changes within the search engines algorithm. There are situations where the new assessment criteria in the algorithm, or existing factors altered or removed.

Because repeatedly emerging manipulation techniques, changes in the algorithms of other search engines or completely newly developed search techniques, the Google algorithm at irregular intervals changed or adjusted...

Google - BL update

Also the number of external links or the back of a Web page links are continuously updated. Such changes are generally within a few days in the evaluation of the site. In larger intervals, approximately every 2-3 months, but it comes to an export of the already widely considered before the data links in the index. The external links a Web page can then query the link: queried.

Also this update, or export, has no major impact on the ranking of a Web page. There are, however, some other ranking factors or criteria, which appear on Google Backlinks involved. This flow this indirectly, especially with other search engines...

Google - PR update

As already described, the PageRank of a woman page continuously updated. Approximately every three months, but it comes to an update of the displayed PageRanks. It can therefore up to three months, until your side for the first time a PR own shows.

The PR updates are not all up to this date set in external links. The date until which existing links back in order, is usually weeks before. The actual update has no or only a very small effect on the position within the result lists.

The PageRank of a web page is, however, for many website operators to a kind of `status symbol '. It is the visible result for all `successful 'search engine optimization and reflects the` value' of a page. For a successful link building, in particular for the exchange of links is displayed PR quite important...

Google - Updates

If you optimize your website, modify or extend the results or changes are not immediately taken into or displayed. Firstly, the Googlebot your website and the changes noted. Depending on the weight or external linking your website, it can be easily several days. It can sometimes turn some time before this in the evaluation of influence and example The ranking of your page.

Most of the changes are already within the shortest possible time. Google updates the information contained in the index continuously. The so-called `Google Dance ', i.e. In a major ranking update intervals takes place, there is no more. The PageRank, or the Back links are updated regularly. Did e.g. Her website because of the new information, some referrals from other websites, it may be that your site is already within a few days in the search results rise.

The same goes for the PageRank. The current ranking of your site is always the `current 'PageRank of the page. Did your website displayed a PR of 3, but a predicted, `future 'PageRank of 5, the latter is in the assessment of your site. The displayed PageRank is about every three months in a so-called PR-Update.

With this, there are some more updates, after which it changes in the list of search results can ...

Google - alternatives

The PageRank algorithm, the number and strength of incoming links a Web page that will always be an important factor in assessing the relevance or importance of a site will remain as one of the most important links characteristics of the World Wide Web. The PageRank, there is no direct reference to the actual quality of a Web page. Because this ultimately decisive for the relevance is running on alternative assessment procedures worked, some of which will be explained shortly ...

The Hilltop algorithm: With the help of the Hilltop algorithm are due to their websites relevance to specific search words or sorted. First, the so-called experts pages on a particular topic or a particular search word. These are pages that many independent websites on a particular topic. Thereafter, the so-called authority pages. Authority sites are sites over at least two experts pages. The Hilltop algorithm was developed in Toronto. 2003 Google bought the patent on the algorithm. From Google defined authority pages you see, inter alia, that their entries in the results lists of relevant keywords in the first place, and besides the usual page description further information, eg The links of the main sub-pages.

Hubs and Authorities: This procedure, also known under the name `HITS known, defines the value of a page because of its hub status and authority. The Hubeigenschaft rated the number and quality of the outgoing links of a page, the authority of a Web site is by its external links. This, inter alia, by Jon Kleinberg developed algorithm is generally important junctions within the link structure of the Internet.

Trust rank: The Trust rank algorithm, Google also patented, has been primarily developed to detect spam pages. These are first few Autoritäts or independent experts and trusted sites. One example is Wikipedia or DMOZ. Then all outgoing links pursued, with the trust of the rank-and Autoritäts experts pages, similar to the distribution of PageRanks, on the linked pages and transmit their external links. Because spam pages in the rule hardly be linked, this can be relatively easy to filter out, and according to devalue.

In addition, there are many other approaches, the search engines to improve results or outcomes unrelevante to filter. In general, all procedures of content, the actual quality of a web page in the foreground. Since it is based on various factors and always new techniques of manipulation is very difficult, that only automates, many approaches, similar to the Trust Rank, by manually audited websites or fixed points.

Editorial-run websites, directories and assessment systems such as the Social-Bookmarking will in the future become more and more important, and the evaluation procedures of the search engines add ...

Google - PageRank advantages and disadvantages

By PageRank, Larry Page and Sergey Brin an external, ie One at first glance difficult beeinfluss or manipulable factor in the process of evaluating websites. The basic idea that a Web site is rated higher, and if you have many also strong links from other sites get sounds plausible, and was one of the main reasons for the subsequent success of the search engine Google.

The introduction of the PageRanks were the results of Google usually better than those of the other search engines. Websites, without a relevant content to offer, for example, Spam using keyword search for the other services listed were high, filtered Google, the pages because relatively few external links which could. The PageRank algorithm was therefore a long time as a `milestone 'in the development of a search engine, which really relevant results and is difficult to manipulate.

Unfortunately, this `milestone 'now more likely to` a stone in the stomach'. Because PageRank from the beginning an important, if not the most important ranking factor, and also the algorithm by most other search engines in a similar manner, once had links to a high economic value. They were sold, rented and exchanged. Suddenly, there were countless manufacturers and / or services, which focuses exclusively on the marketing of specialized links. It also tried many website operators as many links as possible to collect. Before never visited score books or forums were suddenly flooded with link entries.

It quickly became clear that the PageRank one of the easiest to manipulative factors. Who had the opportunity, time and especially money to invest, the ranking could severely affect its website. Suddenly decided more and more funding on the order in results of most search engines. Unfortunately, it has until now only slightly changed. The link trade is still one of the fastest growing markets on the World Wide Web, although Google and the other search engines are trying, again and again against them.

Thus, the `attribute rel = nofollow '. A versehender attribute this link by the crawlers of search engines were not evaluated, ie The PR of the page is not linked party. Above all, in forums and blogs is the attribute meanwhile purposely used to avoid spam entries. Also known link services provider or regular abgestraft by example Their websites removed from the index, or all at the website containing links will be devalued.

Unfortunately, all these measures often only a `drop in the ocean '. Although the importance of the PageRanks for the ranking of a website has greatly decreased, the link is flourishing trade continues ...

Google - PageRank algorithm

Since the precise mathematical representation or statement of the algorithm would be too large to be here only once, the principle of Formula briefly explained. According to the PageRank algorithm, each site has a weight, the so-called PageRank. This is in a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest value and the highest weighting.

The weight, so the PageRank of a page is higher, the more pages, with a private high PageRank, on the page. A Web page is replaced by a link of another site a fraction of the weight of this page, also a part of the PR. How big part of this is exactly in the formula. To illustrate this graphically, serve the following simple examples:

To keep your website a PR of 3 receives must theoretically 101 pages with a PR of 2, or about 3 pages with a PR of 4 on your page. If you have a PageRank of 5 want to achieve, you need 3055 PR 2 link or 101 PR 4 links. For a PageRank of 3 extends also have a PR 5 link and a PR of 5 ranges already a link from a website with a page rank of 7.

The higher the PageRank of the linked site, the higher the PR of the linked page. The rise in the PageRanks is not uniform, but rather `erratic '. To step in the PR-scale increase, simplified, more and stronger links necessary.

The PageRank of a web page can be done with the help of Google Toolbar identified. It shows the exact PR of each page on the user is currently working on.

The displayed PageRank is about every three months in a so-called PR-Update. It may also happen that your website, although many other pages on this point, no PR. This is only indirectly the case. The external links and the effect of the links goes after a very short time in the ranking of your website with. The PR update is merely an update of the `visible 'Pageranks ...

Google - PageRank

The PageRank, or on the PageRank based algorithm was developed by the founders of the Google search engine. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were still students at Stanford University, had tried a new method for assessing the relevance of individual websites.

The PageRank Algorhitmus rated websites due to the number and the quality and strength of incoming links.

Basis of this process is the theory that the relevance of a page will increase if other sites on this page. The stronger the weight of the respective links, and the larger the number, the higher the relevance or the PageRank of the linked page.

Put simply defines the PageRank the probability that a site is found on the Internet ...

Google - Reinclusion Request

If your Web page from the Google index has been removed, you have the option of a resumption or an application Reinclusion Request. Before this record, but you should find the reason for the removal of your site removed. Often, there are even more reasons which have led to disqualification. Because your website may be examined manually, you have to really be sure that with the filing of the application in each point to the guidelines.

The entry itself should in any case on the support forum. The exact address or the exact link to the section `Important addresses / links'. It makes no sense, the entry of a non dedicated e-mail address to send because Google thousands of e-mails daily with a variety of issues and concerns.

It is important that you are in the subject `Reinclusion Request '. Only then can Google your mail properly assign or edit.

In the text of the message you need to briefly explain that, and above all, why your site removed from the index. Explain, then, that the possible causes eliminated, and your site is back to the guidelines. Try to act friendly and indicate that you learned from this mistake and not once will attempt to circumvent the guidelines. It is better if you stay honest. To write, you would not be blamed for the cause of the banishment, or to invent stories, is not advisable.

In general, it takes quite a while to get your application processed. Have you, even if it's difficult, a little patience. A repeated submission or questions should be avoided. Until your side may again in the index, you can easily weeks, or even months. The chances that your page ever again appear, remain low.

Other possibilities, your page in the index, there is not. You do not need to try your site under a different domain, another server, or a different IP address to be published. Google will quickly find that it is the same site, and they are not in the index ...

Google - banishment from the index

It can also happen that a Web page from the Google index and `banned '. In short, this is the worst thing you as the operator of a site can happen. The vast majority of visitors receive pages in the rule of the search engine Google. If your site does not show up in search results, decreasing the number of visitors significantly.

Google and other search engines, however, not easy to remove without reason a page from its index. Google e.g. Have certain policies in which you can contribute to the creation and optimization of a site should hold. If the structure or content of your website against these guidelines, it may, without prior notice deleted from the index.

In addition to the guidelines is not appropriate content are `hidden text ', keyword spam, Duplicate Content and additional optimizations or unauthorized tampering frequent reasons for banishment from the index.

Because the total number of websites is not individually to determine whether or to what extent your website violates the guidelines. Your page through when indexing or crawling at specific programs or filters. If a gross violation found your page from the index. Another consequence of a breach of the guidelines is the so-called `Slow Death ', the` slow death'. This page is not your disappear abruptly, but slowly, page by page from the index. This type of sanction is relatively common and may have been observed on Web sites, several, such as Under multiple domains on the Internet to find, ie Duplicate for content. Although you can e.g. With the help of Google Analytics determine why your website has been removed, but the chance that they returned to the Google index is rather low.

They should in any case to the guidelines of the search engines. Not just because they allow you to a possible removal from the index avoided, but also because of any breach or attempted manipulation significant impact on the ranking of your site can have. Once banned, it remains your only option, the reason for the distance to eliminate, and a Reinclusion request, a request for resumption ...

Google - inclusion in the index

As mentioned in the chapter `Indexierbarkeit 'described, there are two ways to make your page indexed, or in the index of the search engine Google. In the section `Important Addresses / Links' to find the Internet address you register your new website. Once logged in, the crawler, in this case Googlebot, sooner or later your website and in the index.

In general, it takes a few days for your side for the first time in the search results appear. Whether your website has been indexed, you can use a so-called `Site query 'notice. To enter simply `site: 'in the search box of a search engine. You will then receive a list of the already existing pages in the index of your Internet presence.

Another way to index your site, is the setting of some external links. Since the Googlebot follows every link, it is so relatively quickly to your website and they encounter. This alternative has the advantage that your site faster, sometimes within a few hours, indexed. In addition, Google ranks the relevance and authority of your site by the external links now slightly higher. The process until all your web pages in the search engine index, can also be accelerated.

Generally it is the case that your first home is indexed. Only later after the sub-pages. It can happen at a site query pages, and at a later query again neither side apparently exists in the index. The latter is not the case. Google has more than one data center to which the queries are forwarded. Depending on which data center you just query, it may be that your site is not listed there. It takes some time for the sides to display all data centers.

The more external links on a webpage, the faster and extensive will it be indexed. Once in the index, your page will be periodically visited and after changes or new content searched. If your site changes, e.g. New page titles or descriptions inserted, it may be very long before it in the search results.

They should therefore working on your side, and this time only sign up if you are sure that you really no fundamental changes have to carry out more ...