The PageRank algorithm, the number and strength of incoming links a Web page that will always be an important factor in assessing the relevance or importance of a site will remain as one of the most important links characteristics of the World Wide Web. The PageRank, there is no direct reference to the actual quality of a Web page. Because this ultimately decisive for the relevance is running on alternative assessment procedures worked, some of which will be explained shortly ...
The Hilltop algorithm: With the help of the Hilltop algorithm are due to their websites relevance to specific search words or sorted. First, the so-called experts pages on a particular topic or a particular search word. These are pages that many independent websites on a particular topic. Thereafter, the so-called authority pages. Authority sites are sites over at least two experts pages. The Hilltop algorithm was developed in Toronto. 2003 Google bought the patent on the algorithm. From Google defined authority pages you see, inter alia, that their entries in the results lists of relevant keywords in the first place, and besides the usual page description further information, eg The links of the main sub-pages.
Hubs and Authorities: This procedure, also known under the name `HITS known, defines the value of a page because of its hub status and authority. The Hubeigenschaft rated the number and quality of the outgoing links of a page, the authority of a Web site is by its external links. This, inter alia, by Jon Kleinberg developed algorithm is generally important junctions within the link structure of the Internet.
Trust rank: The Trust rank algorithm, Google also patented, has been primarily developed to detect spam pages. These are first few Autoritäts or independent experts and trusted sites. One example is Wikipedia or DMOZ. Then all outgoing links pursued, with the trust of the rank-and Autoritäts experts pages, similar to the distribution of PageRanks, on the linked pages and transmit their external links. Because spam pages in the rule hardly be linked, this can be relatively easy to filter out, and according to devalue.
In addition, there are many other approaches, the search engines to improve results or outcomes unrelevante to filter. In general, all procedures of content, the actual quality of a web page in the foreground. Since it is based on various factors and always new techniques of manipulation is very difficult, that only automates, many approaches, similar to the Trust Rank, by manually audited websites or fixed points.
Editorial-run websites, directories and assessment systems such as the Social-Bookmarking will in the future become more and more important, and the evaluation procedures of the search engines add ...